Great art, great print, precision cut.
I built a USA version of this puzzle; I really liked the atrwork but their rendition of it was muted and low contrast. I took a chance on this brand and, indeed, the image is snappy and of much higher quality. The printing appears to be of finer resolution than other manufacturers allowing very fine detail which not only makes for a nicer overall image but helps in assembly. The puzzle geometry is grid, all the pieces line up neatly in columns and rows. I prefer more random geometry but I know a lot of folks like the strict grid format.My only other nit is that the pieces fit together loosly meaning that if you assemble portions outside the main puzzle you will have to slide them onto a card to move them. That said, when assembled the puzzle can be squeezed together making the lines very thin and tight. Some of this is due to the clean and precise mechanism in which the pieces are stamped out. Out of the box, no pieces are still stuck together ans there is no peeling away of any of the laminations of the pieces. There was one piece missing from this puzzle. I would normally ding a couple stars for this but AppleOne includes a postcard where you trace the missing piece and locate its coordinates. I've yet to remit this card but trust if any puzzle company has the precision to pull this off it's AppleOne. I've since assembled another AppleOne which had no missing pieces. Yesterday I ordered 5 more, I've gotten weary of the mushy graphics typical of most other makers.