The E6 Series began operations on the Akita Shinkansen in March 2013 as a new model vehicle. It operates jointly with the E5 Series/H5 Series Shinkansen between Tokyo and Morioka at a domestic operating speed of 320 km/h. Recently, due to an increase in foreign travelers with large luggage, modifications were made between February and August 2018 to install large baggage spaces, resulting in some windows of cars 13, 15, and 17 being sealed. Furthermore, similar modifications were later applied to cars 12, 14, and 16, spreading the installation work to all cars except for car 11 (Green car).
The E6 Series Shinkansen "Komachi" debuts with the latest specifications, featuring sealed windows on all cars except car 11. It is scheduled for release in February 2025, and you can enjoy the coupling operation scene between Tokyo and Sendai, as similarly seen in reality, alongside the <10-1969~1971 E5 Series Shinkansen "Hayabusa"> and the <10-1967/1968 H5 Series Hokkaido Shinkansen "Hayabusa">.
- The basic set can be stored in the add-on set bookcase
Set Contents:
*Set does not include a motor car.
- Compatible with interior lighting kit Kato 11-211 (11-212) and Kato 11-213