- TGV Reseau Duplex, which is used as a high-speed train connecting major cities on the French National Railways (SNCF) is released.
- <Reseau Duplex> is a formation combining a locomotive for Reseau that was created by the conversion of a passenger car and a passenger car for Duplex newly built, and 19 formations have appeared since 2007.
- Currently, it is active in a maximum of 20 trains with Reseau <Resou> trains from Paris Lyon station to Marseille on the Southeast line and Mediterranean line.
- A 606 train of 2 power supply compatible vehicles to be applied to international trains is a prototype, it is a train that you can enjoy together with other high-speed trains active in Europe, as well as various TGV series.
-In addition, 20-car train with two trains connected can also be reproduced.
- DCC compatible. Those with a 6-pin socket are compatible with M1 and M2. However, it is necessary to change the setting of the CV29 value of the decoder mounted on the M2 and invert the control of the headlight / taillight.