Car 1: Type KUHA E230-546 Passenger Car
Car 2: Type MOHA E230-638 Passenger Car
Car 3: Type MOHA E231-638 Passenger Car
Car 4: Type SAHA E231-546 Passenger Car
Car 5: Type MOHA E230-637 Passenger Car
Car 6: Type MOHA E231-637 Passenger Car (with motor)
Car 7: Type SAHA E231-646 Passenger Car
Car 8: Type MOHA E230-636 Passenger Car
Car 9: Type MOHA E231-636 Passenger Car
Car 10: Type SAHA E231-4646 Passenger Car
Car 11: Type KUHA E231-546 Passenger Car
Consists of powered car - Car 6
Working head and tail lights - Car 1 & Car 11
Equipped with flywheel drive and suspension mechanism
DCC Friendly
Compatible with interior lighting kit Kato 11-211 and Kato 11-212