This posable action figure from the world of science fiction/anime is expertly crafted by Wave, featuring the striking Go Shogun! The figure receives a modern makeover while retaining its iconic aesthetic, ensuring ample mobility through bold joint designs for dynamic poses. Enhancing its tactile appeal, certain parts are made from die-cast alloy. Included with the figure are four distinctive weapons: the Go-Sabre, Go-Stick, Space Bazooka, and Go-Flasher.
The accompanying Try-Three robot impressively transforms, separating into three units: King Arrow, Jack Knight, and Queen Rose. Once combined, it boasts full articulation, and when disassembled, the mecha can be compactly stored within Go Shogun. The detachable Go-Flasher feature enables recreation of both standard and special moves, and a clear blue molded part allows for the "Go-Flasher Special" mode representation, making this action figure an essential for collectors.
- Figure Size: Approximately 18cm tall
- Materials: ABS, PVC, nylon, POM, die-cast alloy, etc.
Set Contents:
- Main figure
- Interchangeable hands for Go Shogun and Try-Three
- Go-Sabre
- Go-Stick
- Space Bazooka
- Go-Flasher parts
- Try-Three