Introducing the third installment in the "Est-Aile" series of original robots designed by Amatoki, the "Est-Aile Nymphaea," featuring a striking new black and gold color scheme.
- This new model includes newly sculpted parts such as the head, distinctive golden armor, and two swords that can be mounted on its back.
- Unlike the previous two models, this unit is specialized for close combat, equipped only with two swords and a laser sword, with no shooting weapons.
- The model stands at a height of 250mm, offering a significant volume. Its joints have a wide range of motion, allowing for various action poses.
- Multiple molded colors are used, with pre-painted golden parts, resulting in a finished product that closely resembles the character's image with just assembly.
- This product is planned and manufactured by ORANGE CAT INDUSTRY and imported and sold by WAVE Corporation.
- Snap-fit assembly, no glue required
- Includes: 2 swords, a laser sword, and decals
Specification Info:
- Plastic Model
- Scale: 1/100
- Height: Approximately 250mm
- Material: PS, ABS