Sculpted by Takamaki Busujima (Busujimax), this figure is part of the "Horror Bishoujo" series, which transforms horror movie killers into BISHOUJO characters designed by Shunya Yamashita. The spotlight is on "Horror Bishoujo Freddy Krueger," the iconic character from "A Nightmare on Elm Street."
Freddy Krueger, with his signature hat, red and green striped sweater, and four iron claws on his right hand, is skillfully reimagined in a BISHOUJO style. Based on an original illustration, Takamaki Busujima (Busujimax) brings this alluring character to life in three dimensions.
Attention to detail includes a seductive chest gap and legs crafted with real mesh material, making it a must-see. The figure can be secured in any location with magnets on the soles of its feet. The metal base, designed to resemble a pool of blood, enhances the stability of the figure.
The scale and base design are intended to match the renewed reproduction plan for "Horror Bishoujo Jason Voorhees" (sold separately). Display them side by side and enjoy the ultimate "Freddy VS Jason" duo with this terrifying tag team!
- Height: Approximately 220mm (including base)
- Material: PVC