Introducing the fourth installment in the Megami Device Figure Series, "Asura Aoiyo Blue," featuring Asura Ninja clad in a swimsuit over sun-kissed skin, now brought to life in 3D!
This fourth installment of the Megami Device Figure Series shocked the industry with a size approximately twice the height and about eight times the volume of a 1/1 scale model kit. From the official doujinshi "Megami Device Asura Customize," comes the appearance of the Megami Device "Asura Aoiyo Blue," a customized version of Asura Ninja equipped for aquatic environments.
Moving away from the Japanese-style mechanical parts-clad Asura Ninja, this model features a lively perpetual summer theme, using clear parts to evoke a beach setting. Notice the striking mechanical parts accentuating the tanned glamorous body line, and the detailed muscular expression emphasizing each joint.
During the figurine's creation, attention to detail was prioritized, allowing you to appreciate both the expressive physical form and mechanical elements. This figure captivates down to the most minute details, taking full advantage of its large scale.
Under the meticulous supervision of designer Nidy-2D-, this product has been refined in both shape and color. Enjoy it to the fullest extent from every angle, right in your hands.
This product includes support parts for long-term display.
Specification Info
- Pre-painted complete product
- Scale: 2/1
- Size: Overall height: approximately 320mm (including base)
- Material: PVC
Production Collaboration: Umizaru Man, BRAIN