From the world-renowned anime series that has been airing since 1996, “Detective Conan,” comes a figure of Conan Edogawa dressed in Shuichi Akai’s costume!
Conan can be seen carrying Akai’s rifle bag on his back; a rare sight as this figure has been made in a completely original pose. The sight of the small body lugging a large rifle bag is a must-see for all fans! ?ツ・ツ・ツサツ・ツスツセツ・ツ・ツサツ・ツ・ツサツ・ツ・ツサツ・ツスツサ?
The cool smile and the all-black attire gives this figure a mature look.
Enjoy the world of the “Detective Conan” series by lining this figure next to the separately sold ARTFX J Shuichi Akai.
Height is approx. 140mm