TRAP BOX (Magic Trick)
Place a finger ring or coin inside of the box, close the lid, and allow your audience to hear the object rattle around inside. Suddenly the rattling sound stops, and the box is completely empty! For years, magicians have used such “rattle boxes" in their performances. However this box has been entirely redesigned with a brand new gimmick. The best way to understand how advanced this gimmick has become is to hold it in your own hands. You can immediately hand out the box to a spectator since its clever gimmick is so well-hidden. We consider this to be the ultimate rattle box. Two routines are included: “Instant Ring Transport" in which a ring vanishes from inside the box and instantly appears on your finger, and “Magic Knot" in which a borrowed coin vanishes from the box thanks to a magical handkerchief.
Only supplied with Japanese instructions