A small quality "Hien"
Until the recent release of this new model in 1/72 scale, the model maker who wished to realize a "Tei" version of the Kawasaki Ki-61-I "Hien" had only three choices at his disposal : a very old model proposed by Hasegawa brand (dating from 1973 and which has been the subject of numerous re-editions), a model proposed by Dragon brand (released in 1994)and a model proposed by RS Models (limited production dating from 2013). None of these three models were satisfactory to me. What about the new model produced by Aoshima japanese brand? At the opening of the box, one finds the quality of présentation to the japanese with all the parts and decals carefully protected in a plastic packaging. The instruction sheet is complete and the explanations given are very clear. As usual for this brand, the recommended paintings are those of GSI Creos. THE FORCES OF THE MODEL * An engraving and détails well apprehended * A thin and clear canopy proposed in 3 parts * A detailed cockpit * The possibility of showing the motor quite well detailed * Forms and dimensions very well apprehended (according to the plan of the book "Kagero Monographs n°58) * More useful acccessories for a diorama (characters, supports) * A good price-performance ratio THE WEAKNESSES OF THE MODEL * A single decoration proposed (of a "sentai" too often proposed!) * The film of decals a little too thick CONCLUSION A very nice little model that surpasses all the competitors that it is with the engraving, the détails, the shapes and the dimensions. Another GREAT ACHIEVEMENT of the Aoshima brand that i highly recommend.