From the manga "Hozuki's Coolheadedness," we present the figures Shirasawa & Neko Koko in the Hako to Niwa series. This set beautifully transforms Shirasawa, confidently holding a brush, and the adorable, lively Neko Koko into charming deformed figures. Add the Hako to Niwa Shirasawa & Neko Koko to your collection!
About "Hako to Niwa"
"Hako to Niwa" is a mini diorama figure series with a dedicated stand, capturing a detailed world within a small format. It's perfect for easy display and collection, allowing you to arrange and enjoy them as you like.
Please note: The product does not stand on its own. Use the included stand.
Specification Info
- Pre-painted complete figure
- Size: Approximately 120mm in height
- Material: PVC (non-phthalate) and ABS
Set Contents
- Figure (Shirasawa and Neko Koko)
- Dedicated stand