Prime 1 Studio introduces a remarkable figure of Paul Atreides from "Dune: Part Two" as part of their "Real Elite Masterline" series. This impressive 1/3-scale figure captures Paul in a powerful pose atop a rocky base, holding his crysknife high as he confronts his fate. Every detail of his outfit is meticulously crafted, from the intricate structure of his stillsuit and its varied textures to the detachable fabric cloak. The special base features film-inspired designs, enhancing the realistic effect.
The "Ultimate" version of this figure offers interchangeable upper body, arm, and hand parts, allowing for a variety of poses. Paul can be displayed with his crysknife at his chest or with his arm lowered, and a pair of hooks are also included. Additionally, the bust display base allows you to showcase the upper body that isn't on the main figure at a given time.
Each piece is serially numbered on the underside of the base and the packaging, making it a unique addition to any collection. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning display piece.
- Size: 90cm tall, 33cm wide, 24cm deep
- Materials: Polystone and other materials
Set Contents:
- Upper body with crysknife held above head
- Upper body with replaceable arms and hands
- Right arm and hand with crysknife at chest
- Right arm (lowered)
- Right hand (crysknife)
- Right hand (Fremen spring gun)
- Right hand (sandworm hook)
- Detachable fabric cape
- Bust display base
- Special base