From the TV anime "Oshi no Ko," the original center of B-Komachi, known for her perfect performances, is now available as a figure. The design is inspired by a lively kneeling pose, capturing the heat of a live performance. The figure showcases the beauty of its composition, supple proportions, and a unique presence.
This figure intricately recreates details such as the freely flowing side tail, star-lit eyes, and a microphone expressing utmost love, all based on the anime's imagery. The original costume expands on ideas from the original illustration. The combination of paint and clear parts result in stage-ready colors and satin or sheer fabric textures. Special additional parts for expressions and the right hand are also included. Enjoy this figure crafted for those who wanted to see "Ai like this!"
The pink heart-shaped stage is an original design by PRISMA WING. It features star-shaped glitter balloons, impressive twin speakers, and B-Komachi Ai's signature floating above a hologram. It beautifully complements and highlights her.
Add this legendary moment of the genius idol's stage performance, focused on painting and sculpting, to your collection!
Specification Info
- Scale: 1/7
- Size: H:17.6cm x W:17cm x D:15.6cm
- Materials: PVC/ABS, etc.
Set Contents
- Figure Body
- Face parts x2 (smiling, wink & tongue out)
- Right hand parts x2
- Special base