From the anime series "GAIKING LEGEND OF DAIKU-MARYU" comes a plastic model of Balking! The mecha has been recreated in detail based on its appearance from the anime. The joints are articulated for easy posing, and it comes with the Grand Axe and Giganter Crosses for its shoulders.Using special parts for its lower half, Balking Part 2 can also be recreated.
Balking can be combined with Gaiking and Raiking (sold separately) in order to recreate Gaiking the Great and its combination sequence! The model is made of PS&ABS materials. Colored runners (red, black, gray, gold), pre-painted parts and stickers are included, allowing you to easily recreate the mecha from the series with a simple assembly.
PS&ABS assemblable plastic model kit. Not to scale. Approximately 135mm in height when built.