From Disney's animated feature film "Beauty and the Beast" comes a rerelease of Nendoroid Belle! She comes with two different face plates that both capture her personality and allow for all sorts of cute and fun poses!
The figure has been sculpted wearing the memorable yellow dress from the ballroom scene, which has been carefully converted into Nendoroid size and painted with great attention to detail. Combined with the two different face plates, the Nendoroid allows fans to create various different situations in Nendoroid size.
Optional parts include both Mrs. Potts and Chip, as well as the enchanted rose and the magic mirror that showed the Beast. A clear sheet featuring the Beast is also included together with a stand to display beside her. Be sure to add this adorable Disney Princess to your collection!
Painted ABS&PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.Beast Clear Sheet: Approx. 130mm x 130mm in size.