1 BOX includes 36 packs. Each pack has 5 random cards.
The full set includes a total of 133 different cards + secret rares (may not be completed with only one box):
ツ・Eツ・Eツ・E 63 cards total
ツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・E 24 cards total
ツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・E 17 cards total
ツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・E 17 cards total
ツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・Eツ・EL (Legend) 6 cards total
Rulers 6 cards total
All Cards are in Japanese ONLY.