From the action-packed manga "BLACK LAGOON," the highly anticipated figure of the head maid "Roberta," known as the "Hound of Florencia," is finally here! Following "Revy" and "Balalaika," Roberta appears as a 1/7 scale figure.
- The original author, Rei Hiroe, has crafted an extravagant new illustration of "Roberta" specifically for this figure. Captured in her maid outfit that left a lasting impression in the corrupt city of Roanapur, she is brought to life as a new masterpiece.
- Pursuing the kidnapped son of the Lovelace family, Garcia, Roberta arrives in Roanapur dressed as a housemaid. Her ensemble includes a shotgun, handgun, firearm disguised as a suitcase, and her signature grenades peeking out from her skirt, reminding us of the dramatic showdown at the Yellow Flag.
- Her iconic glasses and braided hair contrast with her armored appearance, highlighting her dangerous allure. Pay special attention to the meticulously designed firearms, the soft texture of her clothing, and the delicate color finish.
- You can't take your eyes off the quiet intent shining behind her glasses and her elegant yet powerful body line. Be sure to add the "Roberta Nightmare Maid Ver." to your collection.
Specification Information:
- Painted Complete Figure
- Scale: 1/7
- Size: Approximately 290mm
- Material: PVC & ABS
Set Contents:
- Figure Body
- Stand
- Optional Parts