"UFO" is a science fiction TV drama produced by the British Century 21 Productions. It played a pioneering role in popularizing the term "UFO" when it aired in Japan from October 3, 1970, to March 27, 1971.
This model has been created based on the latest 3D data to accurately reproduce the shape of the original props from that era. It is a rotating model with a diameter of 200 mm, consisting of plastic and acrylic parts.
The product is stored in a special package and comes with a circular display base. Each model comes with a certificate of authenticity and is uniquely numbered, making it a one-of-a-kind collector's item.
This product is a limited worldwide production of 2,000 pieces.
Product Description
- Main Body
- Circular Display Base
- Certificate of Limited Production
- Special Custom Package
- Size: Approximately 200mm in length
- Material: ABS, Metal
- Product Form: Pre-painted die-cast finished product