The seventh and final installment of the Ex☆Cute15th series 'Melty Cute' introduces the adorable 'Aika' with a charming bunny pouch.
The 'Misty Girl ver.' showcases shimmering Misty Silver hair paired with a 'pouty mouth' design. The outfit features a mischievous purple and black color scheme. Underneath the cardigan, there's a black corset. The socks, made from mesh fabric, offer a slightly mature look. The sailor dress is accented in white. The black choker is adorned with a sparkling purple heart.
Specification Info
- Fully assembled doll
- Height: Approximately 23.5cm
- Hair Color: Misty Silver
- Eye Color: Kitty Purple
- Body: Pure Neemo Flexion S/Girl (White)
Set Contents
- Doll body
- Hair ribbon
- Cardigan
- Sailor dress
- Corset
- Skirt
- Knee socks
- Shoes
- Shorts
- Bunny pouch