The iconic "Mass-Produced Zaku," the main mobile suit of the Principality of Zeon, now debuts in the ROBOT SPIRITS series. Experience extraordinary articulation and a wealth of weaponry to recreate scenes from the series!
A.N.I.M.E. Design
- Thorough examination of broadcast visuals and product designs from the era captures the balance between animated and realistic appearance.
- Distinct form and coloring bring the A.N.I.M.E. aesthetic to life.
A.N.I.M.E. Articulation
- The movable base of the front armor significantly expands the range of motion for legs and abdomen.
- Features a "hatch open/close switch" to recreate scenes from the series.
- Mono-eye articulation allows movement to the left and right.
A.N.I.M.E. Options
- Includes a Magella Top Cannon, compatible with effect parts from the separately sold "ROBOT SPIRITS <SIDE MS> Char's Zaku ver. A.N.I.M.E."
- Leg-mounted triple missile pod allows for missile attachment and detachment, with effects to simulate launch.
- Cracker can be hand-held or mounted on the waist using a holder.
- Includes a captain unit head to form squadrons.
- Size: Approximately 125mm in height
- Material: ABS, PVC
- Main figure
- Four pairs of interchangeable left and right hands
- Triple missile pod for left and right legs
- Six missiles
- Two missile effects
- Two crackers
- Cracker holder
- Hatch open/close switch
- Magella Top Cannon
- Zaku Machine Gun
- Zaku Bazooka
- Heat Hawk
- Stowed Heat Hawk
- Hand storage deck
- Captain unit head