From the TV anime "Too Many Losing Heroines!" comes the Trading Chibi Toko Acrylic Stand with Parts. Featuring newly illustrated chibi characters of Kazuhiko Nukumizu, Anna Yana, Lemon Yaki, Chika Komari, Yoshiki Nukumizu, Kototsuki Tsukinoki, Karen Himeomiya, Chihaya Asagumo, and Yumeko Shikiyara, each set is designed as a character walking, complete with parts. Display them around your room or desk to enjoy daily moments with your favorite characters.
"Chibi-Toko" is an original AMNIBUS product focusing on the "movements" of characters, depicting them walking.
Please note that minor scratches may occur during the manufacturing and packaging process.
1 Box: Contains 9 pieces
- Main Body: Maximum approximately 48 x 28mm
- Base: Approximately 22 x 35mm
- Parts: Approximately 48 x 15mm
- Thickness: 3mm
Material: Acrylic