The NAGANO DENTETSU 1000 Series, affectionately named "Yukemuri," began operations in December 2006. This train set was originally the Odakyu Romancecar 10000 series HiSE, which was converted to a four-car train and transferred to Nagano Dentetsu, where two sets are currently in service.
- Recreates the second formation of the NAGANO DENTETSU 1000 Series "Yukemuri" which has been active since December 2006
- Car numbers from the second formation are pre-printed
- Capable of installing interior lighting in all cars, including the powered car
- Head and tail lights illuminate independently through separate prisms
- Equipped with always-on lighting circuit boards for head and tail lights
- Seats are represented in blue
- Body color is reproduced in Nagaden red and cream, with a brown tone around the windows
- Features a powered unit with a flywheel
- New current collection system and silver wheels adopted
- Equipped with M-13 motor
- Compatible with interior lighting kit Tomix 0733