In 1964, the legendary manga creator Osamu Tezuka brought to life the story of Astro Boy: The Greatest Robot on Earth. This iconic tale was later passed down to Naoki Urasawa, and in 2023, after more than half a century, it has finally been adapted into a full-length anime by the stellar team of Netflix, GENCO, and Studio M2. To commemorate the anime adaptation, the most powerful robot from the series, "Pluto," has been sculpted as a fully articulated action figure.
Under the close supervision of Naoki Urasawa, this figure faithfully captures Pluto's appearance as seen in the anime. Despite its detailed design, the figure has incredible articulation, allowing for a wide range of dynamic poses without compromising its appearance.
It also includes interchangeable head and wrist parts, enabling you to recreate both Pluto's furious, hatred-fueled expressions and his heart-wrenching moments of inconsolable grief. Experience the essence of PLUTO as seen in the anime by adding this figure to your collection.
Approx. 290mm in Height.
Product contents:
Painted movable figure
Set of replacement accessories
Dedicated display pedestal